Monday, June 29, 2009


My name is Cindy “QUEEN-BEE” Morgan and I am bursting to share with you all my experiences and teachings. My passion is playing poker, filled with amazing opportunities such as being the Brand Ambassador for RAIDBET.NET.

I find the most important part of improving our poker game is through learning. Especially asking those questions that stump us all until answered.

This wonderful new blog is a spot for you THE NEW PLAYER. A place to have all those questions answered without feeling silly or shot down by a more experienced poker player. Questions you have racing around in your poker passionate mind will now be answered.

I too am still learning myself as poker is a life’s journey and I do remember what it was like to be THE NEW PLAYER.

My driven mission here is to help you grow within yourself and your poker skills, so one day you may teach the next NEW PLAYER.

For without NEW PLAYERS poker would surely die.

Please make yourself welcome here by leaving your questions in the HIVE and I look forward to our future together learning and growing in this wonderful world of poker game.



Poker - Simplicity, Fun and Entertaining