Wednesday, July 8, 2009

POKER UNSLEPT - “Team Challenge”

Jumping into normal work mode early this morning there was a difference. Starting over facebook a team poker challenge was being formed. As I worked the day through I continually checked on facebook to find this team challenge was becoming very exciting. Could I go all night playing internet poker? This was going to be a real challenge for me as for starters the last two nights I had had minimal sleep and working flat out.

Team Challenge was to start at 11pm and the last game to register was 5.30am which had over 20,000 players (this game alone could take over 12 hours). I continued working while attending to the kids and preparing for an all nighter filed with poker on the agenda.

In the very early hours of the morning after the muddiest coffee ever I found my poker strategy was being affected by poker unslept. Then out of the blue a hand! The dazed look on my face was transformed into a grin, while the coffee kicked and I was buzzing again, loving every minute that poker brings to my soul.

Challenges test our limits, strengths, survival skills, determination in adverse situations. Listening to our body when it needs rest, we are able to achieve anything we set our sights on. This challenge taught me one very important lesson! I’m getting too old for such challenges Justify Fullwithout preparation. This Bee needs her zzzzzzzzz.

.1. Have you ever been faced with this challenge?
.2. What was your preparation and survival kit?
.3. What would you do different next time?
.4. If this challenge became an option for you, would you have a go at it?


Poker - Simplicity, Fun and Entertaining