Sunday, July 19, 2009


“Admitting defeat to fight the next battle is sometimes hard to do”

One of the interesting sides to poker is where players bet into a pot on the hope of winning a hand. During the play cards are flopped, turned and finally the game ends with the river. At any stage your hand can go from being the best too far behind. In a poker game knowing when to give up on a hand is a test in itself. Often players will continue in a hand sticking to the hope that their hand will improve allowing them to take down the pot. It is heard regularly throughout poker tournaments players saying “I’m pot committed now” so they call and even go all-in while feeling their hand is still behind or maybe in front. No one is ever pot committed!

Why do we need to just commit our chips during an online poker tournament? It’s to do with emotions becoming the main driving factor behind our poker strategy. We start to get more and more involved in a hand as each card is turned and each bet is made. The people that play poker see the pot rise to where they start to feel the thirst of victory. This is where players need to take control of their poker strategy and find the strength to admit defeat, fold their hand, and give up the chips already committed. This way you will be able to fight the next battle which may in fact chip you far beyond the hand you laid down previously.

Next time you are in a hand and the chips are flying, think should I stay or should I go. There is no rule saying stay be beaten or sucked out on. It is up to you to live another hand in the hope to chip up safely.

I am happy to admit defeat and pack the sting later.

How about you?

1 comment:

  1. I am strongly convinced there is no mechanic rule or way of playing.. however, sometimes when you are very short and are involved at the flop its really hard not to feel pot committed ..



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